Journal of Extension Education <p><strong>The <em>Journal of Extension Education (JEE)</em> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal in the field of extension education published by the Extension Education Society (EES).</strong></p>The journal is published in both <em>print</em> and <em>online</em><em> </em>versions. [<strong>Print ISSN: 0971-3123; Online ISSN: 2456-1282</strong>]. The CODEN assigned to JEE is <strong><em>JEEOBM</em> .</strong><br /><p><strong><br /></strong></p> en-US <p><span>Authors who publish with JEE agree to the following terms:</span><br /><br /></p><ol type="a"><ul><li>Authors retain copyright and grant JEE right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li></ul></ol><ol type="a"><ul><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li></ul></ol><ol type="a"><ul><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ul></ol><p>Extension Education Society</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p><p>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (Dr. D Puthira Prathap) (JEE Technical Support) Sun, 26 May 2024 04:05:32 +0000 OJS 60 Socio-economic determinants of Dairy Farmers’ Knowledge on Dairy Farming Practices in Uttar Pradesh, India <p><em>The study was carried out among dairy farmers of Balamau block of Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh </em><em>to assess the socio-economic landscape and dairy farming practices. Utilizing a multistage purposive cum </em><em>random sampling approach, data from 60 dairy farmers were collected and analyzed. Findings revealed </em><em>diverse socio-economic backgrounds and educational levels among farmers, influencing their farming </em><em>decisions. Buffalo predominated the livestock, with significant variations in milk production of cross breeds. </em><em>Reproductive parameters underscored opportunities for improvement. Correlation and regression analyses </em><em>elucidated education, training participation, social participation and scientific orientation as pivotal predictors </em><em>of knowledge level in dairy management. Higher education and greater participation in training sessions were </em><em>associated with better management practices. The study emphasizes the significance of education, continuous </em><em>learning and scientific orientation in optimizing dairy farming practices and enhancing industry profitability </em><em>offering valuable insights for stakeholders in the field. Regression analysis explained 62.10% of knowledge </em><em>variation, emphasizing education, family type, training, social participation, and scientific orientation.</em></p> Saurabh Sharma, Herojit Singh, Sabbithi Pavan Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dairy Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Kerala, India <p><em>During the recent times, studies on entrepreneurship are found to shift their focus from entrepreneurcentered </em><em>to environment-centered; outlining the role of entrepreneurial ecosystem in creating productive </em><em>entrepreneurship. An attempt was made to map the dairy entrepreneurial ecosystem of Kerala state in </em><em>India, to understand the actors and factors, functional stages of the actors and the linkages among them. </em><em>The methodology followed was desk research, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Mapping </em><em>exposed the major actors under the financial, support, technology, human capital, culture and legal domains; </em><em>and factors were direct, partially direct and indirect. The actors were grouped under the different functional </em><em>stages of ideation, establishment, survival, early and late growth and maturity; as well as their linkages were </em><em>portrayed. The findings shall enable appropriate planning and interventions to refurbish the ecosystem for a </em><em>more dynamic dairy entrepreneurial development.</em></p> S R Shyam Suraj Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Approaches in Paddy Cultivation: An Analytical Study of Adoption Trends <p><em>Adoption of farm innovations in food crops is necessary to modernize agricultural practices, improve </em><em>efficiency and increase yields to meet the growing global food demand. This study analysed the adoption </em><em>trends of innovations in paddy cultivation. Key innovations were identified including the adoption of advanced </em><em>agricultural machinery starting from seed preparation to harvesting and storage, improved irrigation systems </em><em>and utilization of hybrid rice varieties by interviewing the paddy farmers of Assam, India. Percentage analysis </em><em>and paired t-test were used to assess the impact of innovations on rice crop productivity. The results of the study </em><em>indicate a positive and progressive trend in the adoption of innovations in paddy cultivation. The widespread</em><br /><em>acceptance of improved machineries and a diverse array of hybrid rice varieties showcases a collective effort </em><em>among farmers to enhance productivity, optimize resource utilization, and embrace sustainable agricultural </em><em>practices. To maximize the benefits of these innovations, farmers must receive adequate training.</em></p> Sanghamitra Rajnandini Saikia, Rajalakshmi S Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Living and Working Conditions of Women Tea Garden Workers in Assam <p><em>Tea estate workers hold a significant position in Assam, India. This study examines the </em><br /><em>socio-economic aspects of living and working conditions of workers, in the tea gardens of Sivasagar </em><em>district, Assam. 50 women who work in tea plantations formed the sample. Findings revealed that the </em><em>more than half of the women workers generate a monthly income of Rs. 5001 to Rs.7000 and due to low </em><em>income, workers find difficulty to cover their daily expenditure. It was also found that the women </em><em>workers at the tea plantations have poor </em><em>working conditions such as forced labour, continuous work-load without rest and health issues.</em></p> Shikhamoni Gogoi, Radha T Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Usage of Selected Botanicals for Grain Flour Storage among Rural Households in Tamil Nadu <p><em>Storage of processed grains is a very common and crucial practice for every family, especially </em><br /><em>those in rural areas of India. This study assessed the usage of botanicals for grain flour storage </em><br /><em>among the rural families of Tamil Nadu, India. A training intervention was planned and implemented </em><em>on eco-friendly storage practices in Salem district of Tamil Nadu. A sample of 100 respondents were </em><em>selected based on their willingness and availability to participate in the intervention programme </em><em>in randomly selected villages of Salem District . The responses from the trainees before and after </em><em>the training intervention programme provided insights into the extent of the adoption of </em><em>eco-friendly storage practices. The assessment indicated a significant change in the knowledge, </em><em>attitude, and practice (KAP) of rural households. All the respondents gained knowledge and </em><em>awareness about eco-friendly storage techniques, and the adoption rate was around 50 percent after </em><em>the training intervention. Participants also began using eco-friendly storage materials such as </em><em>containers, particularly in stainless-steel. The study suggests that every state department of </em><em>agriculture, district KVKs, rural development departments and other line departments should </em><em>take simple steps to improve storage practices of food grains and flour using eco-friendly </em><em>methods among consumers in their respective areas.</em></p> Sakthidevi P, Manimozhi K Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Attitude of Undergraduate Students of Agriculture towards Online Mode of Learning <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic had prompted higher institutions around the globe to relocate traditional classes </em><em>to online classes. Due to the pandemic, students were compelled to use online platforms that the university </em><em>provided, such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Zoom, to resume their studies. This study aims to evaluate </em><em>the attitude of undergraduate students of agriculture in using these new platforms for online mode of learning </em><em>so that in future, academicians and the Government can design online learning platforms that will enhance </em><em>the learning of students . The results of this study show that distance learning is still in the development stage, </em><em>and although traditional classrooms appeared to be indispensable, the positive attitudes and willingness of</em><br /><em>the majority of students to engage in distance learning classes in the post-COVID19 pandemic indicate that </em><em>there is an immense potential future for e-learning platforms in higher education institutions.</em></p> Shely Mary Koshy, Dhanusha Balakrishnan, Varaprasad C, Natarajan K Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 From the Editor's desk - evaluating information sources <p><em>Editorial on evaluating information soruces</em> ; <strong>Journal of Extension Education; 35 (1)&nbsp;</strong></p> Puthira Prathap D Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000