Marketing Strategies Evolved by Entrepreneurs in Marketing the Coffee Products


  • K. Thangaraja Coffee Board, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI.
  • R. Sasikala Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.


Results of conjoint analysis showed quality attributes preferred by the entrepreneurs. They were Arabica and Robusta (50:50) mixed variety, mixing of 70:30 coffee, chicory ratio, keeping quality up to 6 months, medium level of taste/aroma, filter size of the powder and roasting time of 15 minutes/ 10 kg of seeds. About 83.00 per cent of entrepreneurs produced coffee powder as a final form of coffee product, nearly two-third (63.00 %) of the entrepreneurs did not have any brand name or logo, cent per cent of them reported manual packing only. Major criteria to fix different price rate of coffee product were International daily market price (90.00 %), factors affecting the price policy were market price fluctuation (93.33 %), season (90.00 %) and Cent per cent of them had adopted coffee price forecasting broadcasted by various media. Selection of the location depends on nearby town and coffee potential area, techniques to overcome the competitor were better pricing and supply of quality coffee product, attraction of customers depends on personal contact, attractive display boards, quality, taste, aroma and flavor. Promotional activities carried out by the entrepreneurs were developing the customer base (83.33 %) and working towards building customer loyalty (76.67%). Relationships followed among stakeholders were good partnership, price and profit sharing, commission basis, service and quality, supply-service and demand. Further, market demand reported by entrepreneurs were: the demand for coffee beans peaked during July to November, coffee powder were more demand in three seasons namely rainy season (June-September), winter season (December- January) and summer holidays (April-May). Feedback mechanism reported by coffee entrepreneurs were: quality analysis report received from the export organization, physical analysis, cup test, personal contact through phone, e-mail and also personal letters.

Author Biographies

K. Thangaraja, Coffee Board, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI.

Senior Liaison Officer.

R. Sasikala, Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.

Assistant Professor.


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How to Cite

Thangaraja, K., & Sasikala, R. (2016). Marketing Strategies Evolved by Entrepreneurs in Marketing the Coffee Products. Journal of Extension Education, 27(1). Retrieved from