Climate Change Impact on Paddy Farming in Erode and Tiruchirapalli Districts of Tamil Nadu


  • Sivaraj Paramasivam Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  • H Philip Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbaotre. INDIA


Climate change implies both direct and indirect impact on the general well-being of the people in the rural community such as agriculture and allied sectors for their livelihood security.  A study was conducted on the small and marginal paddy farmers of Tamil Nadu. A sample size of 200 paddy farmers was selected from the districts of Erode and Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. Findings revealed that paddy farmers perceived climate change impacts includes five major components viz. crop nature, pest incidence, disease menace, water crisis and agro climatic status. It was found that farmers were much aware of the variations in rainfall pattern and its distribution followed by variability in temperature and changes in wind speed and direction. Receipt of low rainfall was found to be the most pertinent issue.

Author Biographies

Sivaraj Paramasivam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Research Scholar,Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology

H Philip, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbaotre. INDIA

Director of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


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Sagun, C. N. 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Livelihood of Poor and Vulnerable Communities and Bio Diversity Conversation: A Case Study in Banke, Bardia, DhandingandRasuwa Districts of Nepal, USAID, CARE, Nepal.

Sinha, A.K. and Swaminathan, M.S, 1991. Long-term Climate Variability and Changes, Journal of Indian Geographical Union, Vol. 7(3): pp.125-134.




How to Cite

Paramasivam, S., & Philip, H. (2016). Climate Change Impact on Paddy Farming in Erode and Tiruchirapalli Districts of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Extension Education, 27(4). Retrieved from

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